
Are You Canailles? Join Us!

Our krewe members are what makes our parade so creative and special and we’re excited for you to join the KDC community! Membership is open to anyone 21+ who pays membership dues and follows krewe rules.

  • Invites to KDC social events throughout the year
  • Ability to march in the parade
  • A few special KDC-branded throws
  • Free entrance to the afterparty ($15-general public)
  • Food at the afterparty
  • FUN!!
Photo by LeeAnn Stephan Photography

2024 Parade Rules & Information


  • Membership is NOW OPEN!
  • You must be 21 OR OLDER to march and attend the after-party.
  • No children or animals are allowed in the parade.


  • Costumes, floats, throws, etc. must fit within the overall parade theme. This year’s theme can be found here!
  • You may not advertise other entities in your aesthetic or throws.
  • Independent marchers AND sub-krewes must submit a theme in advance of the parade for approval.


  • Sub-krewes must be made up of a minimum of five (5) costumed members.
  • Sub-krewes must have a central theme that fits within the overall parade theme. 
  • You must have a BANNER (min. 10 feet wide) announcing your theme that is carried for the entire route. (Sub-krewes are encouraged to find volunteers to carry their banner).
  • You must have MUSIC – either a sound system or instruments. 
  • You must have some sort of FLOAT relating to your theme.


  • Sub-krewes with 10 or more marchers must have 2 volunteers.
  • Sub-krewes with 20+ marchers may have up to 4 volunteers.
  • The role of volunteers is to help wrangle their sub-krewe, pace the parade (by maintaining communication with the event coordinator and parade workers – and keeping at least 20 feet distance from the krewe ahead), and prevent the crowd from joining the parade as we march. 
  • Volunteers must wear all black and will be given a yellow vest at check-in. They may not dress in costume.
  • Volunteers may hold your banner.
  • Volunteers receive free admission to the after-party.
  • Volunteers MUST be present by 6:15pm on parade day for the volunteer briefing.


  • No motorized vehicles will be permitted in the parade. Bicycles, wagons, and any kind of woman- or man-powered floats are encouraged.
  • Floats cannot exceed fifteen (15) feet in height, and ten (10) feet in width. Any floats wider than 10 feet will not fit through the gate at Parc International and will have to stay on the street without security before and after the parade.
  • All floats should be mobile throughout the entire parade.
  • If an issue arises with your float, please pull over to the right side of the route until you are able to repair it or until the parade has passed.
  • All sub-krewes should have some form of a float.


  • Everyone marching in the parade, except for volunteers, must be in FULL COSTUME.
  • Costumes may be reviewed before the parade during line up. If a member’s costume is deemed offensive or vulgar by KDC, that member will not march in the parade and membership dues will not be refunded.


  • Plastic beads are NOT allowed as throws.
  • Handmade or environmentally conscious throws are encouraged and appreciated by the crowd!  
  • Perishable food items are not allowed as throws.
  • Individually wrapped candy is also discouraged as it invites littering throughout the route.
  • Please ensure that all throws are family-friendly. 
  • No promotional throws from businesses/other groups are allowed. 
  • Keep all waste to a minimum and either use the trash cans along the route or collect your waste in a bag to throw away at the end of the route.


  • Members of Krewe de Canailles are required to 1) have fun and 2) BE NICE OR LEAVE. Our values of inclusivity, ingenuity, and sustainability stem from a vision of kindness to one another and our city. 
  • Vulgar and offensive words and actions will not be tolerated, nor will any illegal behavior. 
  • You may bring and consume alcohol on the parade route, but please behave responsibly.
  • DO NOT give alcohol to parade patrons.
  • NO GLASS containers will be permitted.
  • NO JELLO SHOTS will be permitted on the route. 
  • Remember you are a representative of the parade, and in public. Your actions directly affect the public’s perception of our event. So keep it cool! 
  • Interaction with the crowd is encouraged – it is a part of what makes our parade special. But please do not encourage any members of the crowd to march with the parade.
  • In the event of any emergency or incident, notify the closest officer and your Sub-Krewe Captain if possible.
  • Any member deemed unfit to march by the police and/or KDC board and staff due to intoxication, inappropriate behavior, etc, will be removed from the parade and will not be reimbursed membership dues. 


  • Registration will begin on parade day at 4:30pm and close at 6:00pm, and will be held at Parc International. You must be checked in by 6:00pm. 
  • The parade will start and stop at Parc International.
  • Please enter on Taylor St. to drop off your float. We suggest unloading your float, temporarily moving your vehicle, and returning to registration to line up your float. After you register and situate your float, you can go park your vehicle.
  • At registration, you will be given a wristband that identifies you as a member of the krewe, allows you to march, and allows entry to the after party. Your wristband also has a ticket on it that you can redeem for food at the after party. Please do not lose your wristband or share with anyone else. 
  • We recommend parking in the parking garage. 
  • The parade lineup will be finalized in advance, and you will be notified of your place at registration. 
  • Our event coordinators and parade workers will dispersed throughout the parade and will be wearing “Krewe” hats. Please find them if you need anything. 


  • We will begin marching promptly at 7:00pm. 
  • The route is approximately 1.50 miles and makes a loop.
  • One of our event coordinators will set the pace of the parade, along with the banner holders and a band. Please help us pace the parade properly by heeding communication from the event coordinators and parade workers. 
  • Please maintain at least 20 feet between your sub-krewe and the one in front of you at all times. Your banner holders can assist.
  • Should you require a bathroom break during the parade, we recommend using the restrooms at Parc International or The Grouse Room. There are no portable toilets along the route. You are also welcome to patronize a restaurant or bar along the route and use their restroom. 
  • As we march back to Parc International, floats should be lined up and placed by the cone that corresponds with your place in the lineup.
  • Floats can remain in Parc International during the after party. Security will keep watch until 12:00 a.m. All floats must be removed by the close of the after party (12:00am). KDC and Parc International are not responsible for any float left behind.


  • The after party location and entertainment will be announced soon.
  • KDC members get into the after party for free with their wristbands.
  • The after party is open to the public.
  • Food will be available for members and volunteers only. Please do not give food to non-members. You must have your ticket on your wristband to redeem for food. 
  • Cash bars will be open. You may not bring your own alcohol into the after party.